
Bernhard Stankewitz

GPG (Personal) bstankewitz[at]posteo[dot]de
GPG (Bocconi) bernhard[dot]stankewitz[at]unibocconi[dot]it,
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RSS Orcid: 0000-0002-3135-8174

I am a postdoctoral researcher at BIDSA at Bocconi University in the group of Botond Szabo. Prior to that I studied at Humboldt-University of Berlin under the supervision of Markus Reiß.



  1. LanczosCGApproximateGPs . A small repository containing the code for the simulations in S. and Szabo [SS24] .
  2. EarlyStopping python library . Together with Laura Hucker, Ratmir Miftachov and Eric Ziebell.