
Bernhard Stankewitz

GPG (Personal) bstankewitz[at]posteo[dot]de
GPG (Bocconi) bernhard[dot]stankewitz[at]unibocconi[dot]it,
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RSS Orcid: 0000-0002-3135-8174

I am a postdoctoral researcher at BIDSA at Bocconi University in the group of Botond Szabo. Prior to that I studied at Humboldt-University of Berlin under the supervision of Markus Reiß .



2024-08-16 -- Bernoulli-ims congress. The slides for my talk at the Bernoulli-ims congress are available here: Contraction rates for conjugate gradient and Lanczos approximate posteriors in Gaussian process regression.

2023-09-06 -- AIP 2023. The slides for my talks at AIP 2023 are available here: L2-boosting in high-dimensional linear models, From inexact optimization to learning via gradient concentration,

2022-10-17 -- New preprint. The preprint of the article "Early stopping for L2-boosting in high-dimensional linear models". is now available on arxiv.

2022-08-28 -- New publication. The published version of the article "From inexact optimization to learning via gradient concentration" with Nicole Mücke and Lorenzo Rosasco is now freely available online. If you are interested, please also have a look at the video talk from GPSD Mannheim 2021, which gives a short introduction to the main ideas.

2022-08-02 -- New website. Welcome to my new website! Have a look around.