
Bernhard Stankewitz

GPG bstankewitz[at]posteo[dot]de (Personal) GPG Public GPG key
GPG bernhard[dot]stankewitz[at]uni-potsdam[dot]de (UP)
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RSS Orcid: 0000-0002-3135-8174




I am a researcher at University of Potsdam in the group of Alexandra Carpentier's . Prior to that I worked with Botond Szabo at Bocconi University and studied at Humboldt-University of Berlin under the supervision of Markus Reiß .


November 2024 -- Ankündigung Lehre. Auf Grund der technischen Probleme am Campus der UP findet die Vorlesung am 29.11.2024 nur online statt. Link folgt an dieser Stelle. Whatsapp Gruppe zur Koordination bei weiteren technischen Problemen, Jitsi Link (Läuft im Browser ohne Installation anderer Programme).

October 2024 -- Moving back to Germany. I am very happy to announce that this Winter I will be joining Alexandra Carpentier's group at University of Potsdam .